Politics'I've Had It With This Guy'

‘I’ve Had It With This Guy’

“I’ve had it with this guy,”

Matt Gaetz, this Friday morning.

How very principled of Matt Gaetz to express his anger toward his party’s leader the morning after tapes revealed the leader lied about what he said regarding this country’s most serious threat in the modern era.

Set aside the fact that it is utterly stupifying that Matt Gaetz has not been charged with a serious felony yet and that Matt looks for opportunities to say something outrageous in the hope that people will forget his association with teen girls. For now, just note the exact words in Gaetz’s tweet:

“While I was rallying in Wyoming against Liz Cheney… Kevin McCarthy was defending Liz Cheney among House Republicans… While Liz Cheney was secretly recording Kevin McCarthy for the New York Times. @GOPLeader – you should have trusted my instincts, not your own.”

Did I mention stupifying? Yes, Gaetz says that McCarthy’s biggest problem here was trusting Liz Cheney, not the fact that McCarthy lied. Forget the “For the New York Times” part. Any decent and ethical congressperson would tape all their calls whenever legal. If Cheney’s goal was to destroy McCarthy, in the New York Times, she would have released the tapes as they were forming the committee. The tapes come from a book that gathered statements and materials written and recorded in real-time in the days after January 6th. It is possible Cheney forgot she had the recording.

The real story is that Gaetz is angry that the truth got out. He is not angry that McCarthy lied. Gaetz is angry McCarthy couldn’t maintain his lie, and that Gaetz spoke to the woman who – at the time – was third in command of the House minority and wasn’t “one of them,” meaning someone who would maintain the other lie, that Trump won the election.

If one really concentrates on it, this tweet should damn Matt Gaetz. What kind of person publicly expresses their anger about the lie getting out? And what type of person is angry that McCarthy trusted a woman who had and has her own beliefs instead of hiding the views within the club? Angry that the truth got out? Ah, the ultimate sin.

Now Matt Gaetz and his MAGA-caucus have all the power over McCarthy. Because every MAGA knows the controlling rule in TrumpWorld; never, ever, let the truth out. McCarthy is done. They’ve had it with this truth B.S.


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