Created in 1982 by J.M. DeMatteis and Kerry Gammill for “Marvel Team-Up” #121, Frog-Man, aka Eugene Patilio, is the son of the supervillain Leap-Frog. After his father’s failed life of crime landed him in prison, Eugene started wearing the suit in an attempt to rehabilitate his family image into one of a symbol of good instead of evil. However, Frog-Man wasn’t exactly the most adept hero. On his first outing, he accidentally helped Spider-Man and the Human Torch defeat Speed Demon. Later, he would battle the likes of White Rabbit, Flag-Smasher, and U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M. alongside his dad and the Avengers and would again triumph thanks to sheer luck. Of course, that luck would fluctuate; some days he would be teaming with heroes like Ms. Marvel, Iron Man, and Hellcat, but on others, he’d be targeted by Kraven the Hunter or forced to work as a bus boy when superheroics wasn’t panning out for him.
Speaking of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Frog-Man is technically an Avenger in the comics, as he was recruited to be a part of the Initiative, which put a team of superheroes in every state. Stationed in Kentucky, Eugene was a part of a group called Action Pack with characters like Vox and Prima Donna. (Although, this Frog-Man was revealed to be a Skrull imposter during the “Secret Invasion” storyline.) While that probably voids the comic book version of Frog-Man’s membership, there’s still a chance that we could see the MCU Frog-Man get the call from Avengers HQ. Or maybe we’ll see him in the upcoming Disney+ series starring Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn after he crosses paths with Jennifer Walters.
Considering “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law” is primed to be a comedy, the Fabulous Frog-Man seems like the perfect character to join the cast. While we don’t know who will be playing him just yet, we’ll find out when the show premieres on Disney+ on August 17, 2022.