ScienceLost city, a real-life 'Helm's Deep,' possibly discovered in...

Lost city, a real-life ‘Helm’s Deep,’ possibly discovered in Iraq

Nestled in a valley shadowed by mountains in Iraqi Kurdistan sits an ancient fortress that archeologists think may be the lost, royal city of Natounia, based on the discovery of intricately carved rock reliefs depicting an ancient leader, a new study finds.

The stronghold, known as Rabana-Merquly, was once part of the Parthian Empire (also known as the Arsacid Empire), which reigned (opens in new tab) between 247 B.C. and A.D. 224. The Parthians were bitter enemies of the Roman Empire, and fought various battles against them for over 250 years (opens in new tab). Now, new research at this 2,000-year-old fortress suggests that it served as one of the empire’s regional centers.

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