The animation style appears to shift with each episode, distinguishing itself further from Pixar’s usual fare. Rochelle’s story appears to mimic a cardboard diorama, and the actual softball footage we see mimics that of a traditional sports anime. And of course, it wouldn’t be a sports show without a stadium stomp-and-clap rendition of Queen’s “We Will Rock You.” Will Forte is currently the only voice actor confirmed for the series, playing a character named Coach Dan.
Not only was footage shown from the series, but we also heard a little bit about its origins. When Hobson and Yates worked together on 2019’s “Toy Story 4,” they realized that they had pretty different interpretations of how their creative meetings went. They used these differing interpretations to come up with the idea of an animated show revolving around one event, but with every character having their own conflicts surrounding the event. Needless to say, it looks pretty interesting, and we can’t wait to see the Pickles’ rise to softball stardom when “Win or Lose” hits Disney+ sometime in 2023.