Created by “Rogue One” co-writer Tony Gilroy, “Andor” is as much about Cassian’s origins as it is about the origins of the Rebel Alliance. The series picks up five years prior to “Rogue One,” at which point Cassian is a crook focused on his own survival rather than a freedom fighter ready to lay down his life to defeat the Empire. Similarly, in her interview with Ryan, Arjorna alluded to Cassian and Bix having a shared history fraught with tension due to Cassian’s shady behavior.
As for romance? In the immortal words of Alden Ehrenreich, it’s complicated. Arjona explained:
“I think it’s a little bit of … I don’t even know how to answer that, really. But I think the second you meet them, you understand that they’ve been through so much. There’s so much history there between them two. There’s trust that’s been broken and rebuilt. And you can feel that right away, knowing Cassian, even if you had watched ‘Rogue One.'”
Another obstacle in the way of their relationship is Cassian’s habit of disappointing Bix “because he always leaves,” Arjona noted. But even if the pair could work through their collective baggage, Arjona said Bix already knows on some level Cassian is “destined for something bigger than himself.” She added:
“So I think when you meet them both, you have a feeling that timing has just not been on their side. And there is no time to worry or think about romance. Everyone’s at a cusp of a revolution. There’s so many other things going on that are really important. But I think timing hasn’t been on their side.”
Ah, such is life in the “Star Wars” galaxy. Here’s to even more heartbreak when “Andor” arrives on September 21, 2022, on Disney+.