EntertainmentDavid Gordon Green's Halloween Trilogy Title Cards Are Actually...

David Gordon Green’s Halloween Trilogy Title Cards Are Actually Clever Easter Eggs

The first title card for Carpenter’s original is, without doubt, the most iconic of the bunch. Famously using the Serif Gothic Heavy type face, created by American designer Herb Lubalin and Italian Tony DeSpigna in 1972, those letters are just as iconic as what’s now become known as the “Stephen King font” from designer Ed Benguiat. It makes perfect sense for the 2018 “Halloween” to reuse that original font, considering it’s retconning the series and crafting a legacy sequel set approximately forty years later. 

The “Halloween II” font is Standard CT Ext ExtraBold, a decidedly more ’80s look than the ’78 title card. “Halloween Kills” uses it just for the sake of uniformity and to highlight the fact that “Kills” shows the moments that occur right after an older, survivalist Laurie Strode traps Michael in a basement of fire. “Halloween II” and “Halloween Kills” both show what happened right after the night he came home, so again, it makes sense to connect the two. 

But what about “Season of the Witch” and “Halloween Ends” being connected? Here’s a side-by-side comparison of all six titles before we continue:

I’ll admit, it is pretty powerful seeing such an amazing visual connection between these six entries. The blue neon, video game haze of “Halloween III” is especially goosebump-inducing. Title designer and VFX veteran John Wash outdid himself with that title card. Undoubtedly, it gets horror fans more excited to see “Halloween Ends” and shows that hey, David Gordon Green and Blumhouse Productions really do care about the franchise. And the homage is the perfect studio easter egg, because it makes you want to watch every movie again. Good thing there are still a couple of weeks left in spooky season.

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