ScienceChina's 'heavenly pits': The giant sinkholes that have ancient...

China’s ‘heavenly pits’: The giant sinkholes that have ancient forests growing within


Name: Tiankeng, or “heavenly pits”

Location: Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan and Chongqing in southwestern China

Coordinates: 24.853407656078527, 106.74287500000897

Why it’s incredible: China’s enormous sinkholes make the landscape look like someone has taken a hole punch to it. 

Take one look at the giant sinkholes that pockmark China‘s southwestern regions and it’s easy to see why they are dubbed “tiankeng” — a Mandarin word meaning “heavenly pits.” Not only do the sinkholes look like they were punched out of the landscape with a cookie cutter, they also harbor primitive forests and pristine ecosystems, according to the UNESCO Courier.

Southwestern China is home to karst landscapes — limestone formations that are highly prone to dissolution. Over hundreds of thousands of years, rainwater trickling down through the soil made its way into the bedrock and gradually eroded the limestone. Rivers of slightly acidic water widened cracks into tunnels and caves that eventually could no longer prop up the rock ceiling. The ceilings therefore collapsed to the bottom, opening up the enormous sinkholes.

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