PoliticsEric Trump Melts Down And Is Already Panicking Over...

Eric Trump Melts Down And Is Already Panicking Over Biden/Trump Debate

Eric Trump went on Fox News and already started to make excuses for his dad potentially losing a presidential debate to President Biden.

Eric Trump tried to claim that his father who holds roughly one campaign event a week is everywhere then spoke about the debate on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures:

Make no mistake, this is still CNN, right? This is Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper has compared my father to Hitler. Jake Tapper’s a guy who would yell at his control room saying turn this man off a when my father’s giving press conferences. I can tell you who these people are. You know who they are, you’ve seen them before. I saw them as as I walked into a courtroom every day where they’re sitting there with grins on their face, I mean, just ear to ear smiles, right? So understand that he’s not just going to be debating Joe Biden, he’s going to be debating CNN.

I was a guy who never missed a debate, I went to every single one of them. Go back to CNN debates in the primaries in 2016, right? It was the same thing. It was attack after attack. They can’t help themselves. And you better believe that Biden’s going to be getting a lot of, you know, a free pass and, you know, you better believe that they’re going to hit my father.

One other thing I need to mention, Maria, it’s pretty telling of president who has to go to Camp David, in the middle of the woods, and lock himself effectively in a bunker for an 8-day period of time because his policies are so bad that he has to figure out some way to polish them up and try and frame them with all of his top advisers. And I can tell you my father’s not doing that. My father’s on the right side of these issues and 10 days or 8 days in the woods at Camp David to try and explain yourself not American people, I’m not exactly sure if that’s a big, you know, showing of confidence.


Eric Trump’s comments weren’t about his dad’s policies or even Biden’s policies. Eric Trump ranted about the debate moderator to suggest that the presidential debate will be rigged against Donald Trump.

The problem is that Trump agreed to attend the debate. Trump agreed to who the moderators would be, and Donald Trump agreed to the debate rules.

There have been reports that Donald Trump’s debate prep consists of Republican senators verbally briefing him on policy.

This was a meltdown by Eric Trump and an attempt to pre-explain why Donald Trump is likely going to do so badly in Thursday’s debate.

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